ARAS - Association of Radio Amateurs of Slovenia
ARRL - American Radio Relay League
ARSK - Amateur Radio Society Of Kenya
CRC - Czech Radio Club
DARC - Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club
EDR - Experimenterende Danske Radioamatører
IARU - International Amateur Radio Union
IARU Region 1
IARU Region 2
IARU Region 3
IRA - Icelandic Radio Amateurs
ITU - International Telecommunication Union
JARL - Japanese Amateur Radio League
NRRL - Norsk Radio Relæ Liga
ÖVSV - Österreichischer Versuchsverband
RAC- Radioamateurs of Canada
RSGB - Radio Society of Great Britain
SARA - Sudanese Amateur Radio Association
SRAL - Finish Radio Amateur League
UARL - Ukranian Amateur Radio League